Monday, October 1, 2012


Just when you didn't think things could get any worse... famine,  war, terrorism, violence, abortion, political turmoil, recession, ( near depression)  unemployment,   HOUSING COLLAPSE, gang violence and drug addiction... IT JUST GOT WORSE...

It was announced this last month that one of Queen Elizabeths Corgies  " passed away". When I read this, I put down the jobs report in the Wall Street Journal and wept.  After a passing Nun, passed me a tissue,  I reflected through my tear stains  $9.88 readers from CVS Pharmacy  and read further of the anguish, pain and, Im sure growing ANGER and disbelief that this could have happened.  It died of OLD AGE!  My God!  Is there no mercy?!

All of you people who selfishly think about nothing more than your JOB or your shrinking opportunities under the current government better thank your lucky stars that you have it SO good and are NOT a Corgi and a DEAD ONE at that!

Sound Stupid?  I hope so,, But Im afraid that MOST Americans have become so stupid of the reality of our current economic and political situation, that some of them actually shed a tear in the last three paragraphs.   

For the rest of you,, PLEASE excuse me while I beg the 47% of the country that has DRUNK THE COOL AID  while likely watching HONEY BOO BOO on TIVO, that they are in danger of permanent stupidity and serfdom and the TIVO repossessed and flat screen as well.

This country is in SERIOUS trouble because we have a dumbed down doled out electorate that care more about milking the cow than letting it live.  The ME generation has come of age and they want a CHECK!

DONT BE STUPID... watch the world around you, study the trends, invest accordingly. .   Its really not rocket science.. Its responsibility and using your head and NOT just your heart and your stomach.

As my VERY smart Grandfather taught me... You have TWO EARS and ONE mouth... USE ACCORDINGLY.  LIsten twice as much as you talk.

God Save the Queen