A housing recovery is fulling in the works. The average price of a home in Miami Dade County has risen by an average of 1.5% each month for the last three months. This includes Condominiums, which have suffered the largest declines in value due to overbuilding.
The nexus of shrinking inventory, the extension of the home buyers credit by Congress, the continued low interest rates and spector of inflation not far on the horizon, have all combined to put a larger number of buyers in the market.
In the Beach front condo market, the largest group of investors continues to be all cash buyers from off shore. Miami is now the cheapest of the largest Latin American cities. That couldnt be said just a few short months ago. Now Miami is a bargain for buyers compared to Buenos Aires, Rio De Janerio and other destination cites.
Real Estate also continues to be a hedge against inflation. The price of gold and other precious metal commodites have truly outstripped the cost benefit ratio that still exists in Real Property. In times past, as will be in the future. Land and Property are a hedge against a falling dollar and a tax haven for write offs, especially if it a rental property.
I keep saying it, but NOW is the time to jump in. The very best of the very best deals are already gone.. But there are still great bargains to be had... DONT miss out.. The best time to make money is when the market is DOWN,, not UP... People get that wrong all the time. Band wagons in investments like stocks and yes, real estate, are usually headed over a cliff if there are to many people jumping on... The market is swinging.. All in the indicators are that the bottm has been reached and the time is now to buy in.
The nexus of shrinking inventory, the extension of the home buyers credit by Congress, the continued low interest rates and spector of inflation not far on the horizon, have all combined to put a larger number of buyers in the market.
In the Beach front condo market, the largest group of investors continues to be all cash buyers from off shore. Miami is now the cheapest of the largest Latin American cities. That couldnt be said just a few short months ago. Now Miami is a bargain for buyers compared to Buenos Aires, Rio De Janerio and other destination cites.
Real Estate also continues to be a hedge against inflation. The price of gold and other precious metal commodites have truly outstripped the cost benefit ratio that still exists in Real Property. In times past, as will be in the future. Land and Property are a hedge against a falling dollar and a tax haven for write offs, especially if it a rental property.
I keep saying it, but NOW is the time to jump in. The very best of the very best deals are already gone.. But there are still great bargains to be had... DONT miss out.. The best time to make money is when the market is DOWN,, not UP... People get that wrong all the time. Band wagons in investments like stocks and yes, real estate, are usually headed over a cliff if there are to many people jumping on... The market is swinging.. All in the indicators are that the bottm has been reached and the time is now to buy in.
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