Business needs STABILITY and a constant and level playing field plus rules to flourish. If anything, the current REGIME in power in Washington has all the business experience and expertise of my 5 year old Shiz Tsu. At least my dog understands the concept of performance equals REWARD... A CAPITALIST idea by the way.
The only way that this economy and the Real Estate industry that is ESSENTIAL to the recovery, will recover is if Congress will adjourn for..... oh lets say.... TWO YEARS. NO laws would be preferable to the lunacy of laws that have been enacted into law in the last 18 months.
Is this about a political party? No. Is this about a candidate? No! Its about common sense and the correct decisions that must be made to make America the business capitol of the world. How is it that the Chinese of all people.. Yeah,, the COMMUNIST Chinese, are eating our lunch right now. Because they tried what we are now trying for 50 years and the people ended up living on dirt floors and choking to death on dirty factory smoke making shovels for the masses that no body needed. ( Central Planning) Now you go to China and it looks like Times Square plus 100 on a great shopping day.. Amazing wealth generation and capital accumulation..
Here is how it works.
1) Make more than you spend
2) Dont spend more than you make
3) People must WORK to have want they want,, no free rides
4) Plan for the future,, not for tomorrow
5) Strong Families , moral codes of conduct in society that are strictly enforced.
Now,, do I want to live in as Fascist State like China? No. And make no mistake. China is no more "communist" than my Shiz Tsu is a Kensian Economist.... It is a fascist state.
But there are things we must learn and learn fast, if it is not already to late. STOP THE SPENDING.... Reign in government and regulation. FREE the market.
And oh yeah,, do that,, and watch your home values start to rise, foreclosures fall off and construction begin again.
America has always been a land that is about FREEDOM. Free Enterprise is just that. And if you over regulate and over tax and actually VILIFY private enterprise.. It WILL go elsewhere. AND,, it is. This administration has pulled the welcome mat out for business both foreign and domestic to continue to do business here. And seriously, would YOU want to invest your money in this country right now with a government in power, that is intent on raising taxes at every level, requiring your company to provide every increasingly expensive benefits to employees,,even PART TIME employees. Taxing everying from internet sales to proposing taxing THE AIR in the Cap and Trade bill the President is set on passing.
Someone needs to steal the car keys of all the elected officials in D.C. and change the locks on the offices. SOMEONE put something in the Kool Aid and THEY DRANK IT!
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