Monday, January 9, 2012


(After all,.... non of US are responsible!!!!?!!,,, I want names!)
U.S. debt surpasses GDP

NOW WE ARE OFFICIALLY GREECE!!!!! GET OUT THE BAKLAVA!! Lets Celebrate and throw all of Nancy Reagan's White House China in the Fire Place.... OOPPAA!


Ok so the President says that the 1% of you out there are KILLING and EATING the CHILDREN of the rest of the 99% of us...out THERE.....

That cant be such a huge list! Lets get all the names and put them in CAMPS so that they cant hurt us like the Japanese Americans would have in WW11. We put THEM in camps and stole all thier money and their businesses for the 99%.. Why not those 1% people that are so EVIL ( Well... they ARE paying 52% of all tax revenues to Uncle Sam) BUT THATS JUST CONFUSING THINGS!!!!

Compensation on Wall Street is set to be the lowest since 2008, when the financial crisis hit. According to people familiar with the situation, compensation for most of Goldman Sachs' approximately 400 partners will fall at least in half from 2010 (though that still amounts to more than $3 million per person). And pay for Goldman's fixed-income trading division could see compensation fall by 60%, with some people receiving no bonus at all.

Morgan Stanley is expected to cut bonuses for some investment bankers and traders by 30%-40%.

These compensation cuts are after banks made plans to slash more than 200,000 jobs over the next few years.


Steve Rattner, an Obama CZAR spoke last month at the Detroit Economic Club, a nonpartisan organization that hosts public-policy discussions. To promote that appearance, Rattner agreed to an interview with local radio personality Frank Beckmann… The host opened the interview by asking if Rattner stepped down from his White House post in anticipation of the Security and Exchange Commission's (SEC) suit that would later allege a kickback scheme involving Rattner's private-equity firm.

Things did not go well… I won't ruin the surprise, but the fireworks are well-worth listening to the interview posted to the WJR talk radio station website

Obama is not just a SOCIALIST.. HE IS A CRONY CAPITALIST/SOCIALIST... that actually in scientific economic circles is known as STATE FACISISM ( You know... TO BIG TO FAIL BUSINESSES in bed with the REGIME in power. (* See: NAZI GERMANY 1933-1945)

This man was personally implicated in bribing New York state pension officials (but hasn't been indicted yet). He made close to $500 million via his private-equity fund (Quadrangle), while his investors underperformed municipal bonds. This guy lives in a $15 million home on Martha's Vineyard and in the same Fifth Avenue apartment building as George Soros. This is a guy who flies his own plane… whose wife is the leading fundraiser for the Democratic Party. This is Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Michael Bloomberg's best friend. And Barry Diller's. This guy spent his entire life in the rarified world of Ivy League colleges, investment banks, and New York City's most elite social circles.

And yet… even with all of these advantages, he ended up accused of bribing New York State pension officials to get them to invest with his private-equity firm. (By the way… I have to hand it to OBAMA! on appointing Rattner as the "car czar." OBAMA! knew about the corruption charges, and he appointed Rattner to restructure General Motors anyway. After all, who better to steal from bondholders than a crook?) And now, Rattner was going to lecture us, the great unwashed, about "income inequality." It was simply unbearable…

After spending about 20 minutes congratulating himself on the bailout of GM (which cost taxpayers roughly $80 billion and bondholders roughly $27 billion), Rattner put up a chart he seemed to believe indicated rich people in America were making far too much money.

( NOTE) Rattner ended up settling his SEC case for $6.2 million, a pittance for the billionaire. He was also banned from "associating with any investment advisor or broker dealer" for two years. And as his appearance with Frank Beckmann makes clear… he doesn't want to talk about it.

No more needs to be said on this subject.. If you dont get it... Call 911.. you have no brain waves.

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